Multimedia Hot-Keys
1000Hz Report Rate
Screw Enhanced Space-Bar
Anti-Slippery Lift
Adjustable Backlights
Lighting Effects: FN + F12 ( Solid / Breathing / Off ) Brightness: FN + ↑ / ↓
1000 Hz Report Rate
1000 Hz full report rate provides faster and timely feedback.
Game Mode
Press Fn+F8 will disable “Window” keys to avoid interruption during the game session.
Multimedia Hot-Keys
Press FN+F1~F7 to apply multimedia hotkeys. Mute, volume – / +, play / pause, stop, previous / next track.
Anti-Slippery Keyboard Lift
Anti-slippery silicon lift prevents keyboard from moving or vibrating during game session.
Screw Enhanced Space-Bar
Dual screws + dual springs + balancing bar equals to stronger durability.
Bloody keyboards feature the unique design, high-quality precision and state-of-the-art technologies. Focusing on details, convenience and ergonomics makes it at the top. As the centerpiece to your gaming setup, Bloody keyboard is designed to deliver total satisfying control right to your finger-tips.
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